Thursday, June 28, 2007

How well does the world REALLY know Canada? Heh heh heh.

In anticipation of our upcoming national birthday celebration, un petit quiz pour vous. We'll see how participation goes...maybe the winner will get a prize (a nice bottle of home-made Canadian maple syrup, perhaps?).

Identify the following:

The Rocket
Talking to Americans
CT boutique
GT boutique
July 1
Coronation Street
Newfoundland speed bump
The Bay
Red Green
Don Cherry
prairie oyster
the Centre of the Universe
two-tier system
Roch Voisin
This Hour Has 22 Minutes
The Great One

*deafening crickets*

Come on, give it a try...whaddya got to lose?

Canadians, since this will be no challenge for you whatsoever, I refer you to this excellent and eminently readable blog by 93 year-old Canadian, "Don"...because there is no body of knowledge or experience richer than nearly a century of mindful living.

Happy looooooooong weekend!!!

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Blogger Fat Sparrow said...

Canada? What is this "Canada" you speak of?

Waaaaait..... It's like North North Dakota, right?

Word Verification is "nqwumlr," which is Inuit for a type of condom made of seal intestines. That's Canadian, right?

*ducks and runs*

8:42 AM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

I see you've covered off the "Talking to Americans" one...but what about the rest of them?


1:18 PM  
Blogger shallomj said...

The Rocket - maurice Richard
Whitehorse - Yukon
Yellowknife - NWT (?)
Poutine - nasty fries with gravy and cheese curd
Talking to Americans - frustrating and pointless
CT Boutique - ??
GT Boutique -??
Loonie - one dolla
Toonie - Two dolla
Double-Double - Timmies!
CBC - Can Broadcast Corp
Shoppers' - ...Drug Mart
July 1 - Canada Day, or Cannabis Day, or Anti-Canada Day, whichever you prefer
Hortons - Tim Hortons, source for donuts and coffee and yummy sandwiches
franglais - english/french combo
Coronation St - BBC Drama (or is it CBC? I don't own a TV)
Newfoundland Speed bump - no idea on this one. Some sort of animal?
The Bay - as in, Hudsons'. Dept Store.
inukshuk - Inuit trail/territory marker, 2010 olympic symbol
Red Green - great redneck humour from two guys who love duct tape.
Don Cherry - annoying, awful suits, even worse ties.
parie oyster - cow patty. As in, feces.
The Centre of the Universe - Ummm....I dunno.
Hogtown - Calgary?
tow-tier system - public/private healthcare. Somebody's dumb-ass idea.
Roch Voisin - no idea.
curling - a lot of yelling and broom-wielding and sliding around on ice
This Hour Has 22 mins - used to be one of my favorite shows. Satirical news coverage.
Beavertail - mmmmmm yummy pastry with cinnamon and sugar and whatever else you wanna put on it.
Toque - a woollen cap for cold weather (as a side note, I just found out that nobody anywhere else in eth world calls these things toques. I mean, what else would you call them? It's just such a perfect name...)
The Great One - Wayne to-the-G.
eh - something I saw waaay, to often, eh?

lol that was fun!!!

PS: I tagged you. You're it!

2:18 PM  
Blogger Fat Sparrow said...

Okay, okay, I'll give it a go, as I know a few of them....

Whitehorse -- A place.

Yellowknife -- Ditto. I would like to point out that if either of these places want any sort of attention, they should change their names to something catchier, like "Head-Smashed-in Buffalo Jump." You really can't go wrong with a name like that.

Poutine -- Sounds as nasty as it is.

Talking to Americans -- Speak slowly. Expect them to ask you to say things like "Oot and aboot in the boot."

Loonie -- Nothing to do with Robert A. Heinlein, it's actually a Canadian dollar.

Horton's -- Probably nothing to do with Dr. Seuss.

Red Green -- Inexplicable Canadian "humor." For some strange reason (probably because they got it dead cheap) his show is on our local PBS. And where I live couldn't be less like Canada unless it was Mexico.

Prairie oyster -- Fried sheep's testicles. Yuck-o-rama. Soon to be offered as an extra topping for poutine, no doubt.

The Centre of the Universe -- We like to just call it "America," but you can go with that if you want.

Hogtown -- The school Harry Potter goes to. I had no idea it was in Canada.

Curling -- A pretend sport.

Beavertail -- What minge is called in Canada.

Toque -- A type of hat.

Eh -- The Canadian version of "like," i.e., a purposeless interjection that proves you're Canadian.

11:31 PM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

Now that's more like it, people.

Stylefinder: Very excellent...where you weren't sure, I like your guesses. You're a good Canadian.

FS: Heh heh...I can't believe they subject you guys to Red Green...must be a ploy to turn the US off invading us. P.s. I also find Americans use "right" the way we use "eh"...but maybe that's an Eastern thing.

Still, nobody's guessed the Centre of the Universe or Hogtown or some of the others right yet. Any other takers care to make a go of it?

7:41 AM  
Blogger SisterJack said...

Hogtown- Isn't that Toronto? You would think I would know if it was since that's where I live! But I'm not sure, thats bad!

Roch Voisin - annoying singer

Newfoundland speed bump - Moose!

Centre of the Universe - Hmm? I think maybe it's an observatory, but not sure. Is it in B.C??

Eh- eh?

So how did I do?? Am I a good Canadian too?

10:25 AM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

SJ: Welcome to the blahhhg. You're a very good Canadian and a friend to Newfoundlanders, since you correctly identified Nfld Speedbumps.

By "the Centre of the Universe" I meant (drumroll.....)....




....Toronto. (AKA Hogtown.) I know it's hard to see the centre from the centre, so we'll let that one go...:^).

But what really made me giggle is that Stylefinder guessed the centre of the universe as Calgary, which makes sense because she's from out West, and Calgary is the Toronto of the West (prosperous, privileged, ornery, calls the shots, everyone is jealous of it), or so I hear.

4:11 PM  
Blogger Fat Sparrow said...

"FS: Heh heh...I can't believe they subject you guys to Red Green...must be a ploy to turn the US off invading us. P.s. I also find Americans use "right" the way we use "eh"...but maybe that's an Eastern thing."

I hate to be the one to have to tell you, but most Americans are already under the impression that we own Canada, or at least that all Canadians actually want to be Americans. That's when they're forced to think about Canada at all. Don't shoot the messenger, eh?

"Right" must be an Eastern thing, because out here it's definitely "Like, you know?"

7:18 PM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

"I hate to be the one to have to tell you, but most Americans are already under the impression that we own Canada, or at least that all Canadians actually want to be Americans."

Yes--we're aware of that. :^)

I think Americans are great, friendly, warm people, and it's a great place to visit, but...I'll take my home and native land any day.

9:48 AM  
Blogger Fat Sparrow said...

"I think Americans are great, friendly, warm people, and it's a great place to visit, but...I'll take my home and native land any day."

Yeah, I'm with you on that whole "It's a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there" thing.

You're lucky you have someplace you fit in. I'm just doing time, here.

2:27 AM  
Blogger whyioughtta said...

Will you and Mr. Sparrow go back to the Emerald Isle at some point? He's from there, non?

11:46 AM  
Blogger shallomj said...

Nonono, I don't think Calgary is the centre of the universe! I'm not really jealous of it at all, I'd much rather be living in Vancouver. Actually I don't think I'd rather live in any other city in Canada, although I've heard Montreal has some great shopping...

From my experience of Calgary there isn't much to it but cowboys and the stampede. I thought it might be Hogtown, though - seems like hogs go with farms and ranches, and ranches go with cowboys, and that brings us back to...Calgary?

...and BTW thank so much for the "good Canadian" comment! I am actually only half Canadian, although I was born and grew up here. My dad was born and raised in Chicago, and I have dual citizenship.

4:48 PM  
Blogger Gazelle said...

The Rocket: Maurice Richard
Whitehorse: Yukon
Yellowknife: Northwest Territories
poutine: Fries they shouldn't sell here
Talking to Americans: We hate americans
CT boutique:
GT boutique:
loonie: $1
twoonie: $2
two-four: case of be3er, 24 bottles
double-double: 2 tsp sugar, 2tsp cream
CBC: where we get our news from
Shopper's: drug mart
July 1: OMG OUR BIG BIRTHDAY: Canada Day
Horton's: Timmy hoes! Tim Hortons is canadian
franglais : french-english
Coronation Street: where?
Newfoundland speed bump:
The Bay: The Hudson's Bay Company dept. store
inukshuk: inuit, 2010 olympic symbol
Red Green: show on CBC
Don Cherry: hockey commentator
prairie oyster: poo
the Centre of the Universe: Vancouver
Hogtown: toronto
two-tier system: ????
Roch Voisin: who?
curling: a sport, sliding weights and using brooms to make it go faster
This Hour Has 22 Minutes: a show
beavertail: tail of a beaver?
toque: warm winter hat
The Great One: Wayne Gretzky
eh: what people think canadians say at the end of sentences

12:43 AM  

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